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How African Fly Came To Be

When our founders got engaged they were looking to put his talents as an entrepreneur and her talents as an herbalist together to help people become healthier.  They also wanted to get out of their one bedroom apartment to start a family but money was paycheck to paycheck.

Although they wanted to share their family recipe for an herbal aphrodisiac to the world immediately, that wasn’t going to happen on a shoe string budget.  Plus the threat of being kicked out of the apartment made taking on a new business almost impossible.

Searching for the right herbs meant trekking through country stores, driving out of state to suppliers, making and remaking formulas.  Even with a perfected formula, selling it to the world at that time meant putting up flyers, driving around trying to get it on store shelves and saving up for radio spots.

With tons of research done after endless online searching it finally became clear that getting the information out by internet was the only way to grow. That meant working by day and taking late nights and long Saturdays to cobble together a website and new internet business.

The first sale in Poland was met with joy and shock over how much it would cost to ship.  The orders started trickling in and phone calls with really interesting questions came in.  People loved the aphrodisiac but needed even more information.  Sex education classes apparently aren’t that good.

Quickly it went from part time hard work to a full time bear.  More demand than bottles, 2 AM phone calls to the apartment from overseas, more questions to answer and very little sleep on a worn mattress.  The couple decided to take the plunge, go full time and bring on staff. 

The most important task was for everyone in the company to understand that fighting the misinformation from the growing copycat companies was vital. Becoming healthy by a formula or pill alone is short term success and the lifetime health of clients is everything.

After moving into their first small office, African Fly focused on delivering sexual health and performance through products and information that move couples from mediocre sex to making it a happy part of their relationship.  The root cause of sexual issues is low testosterone that comes from the lack of proper nutrition.

African Fly’s greatest enemy is the lack of information people have about their sexual abilities and the real reasons why husbands and wives don’t chase each other around the bedroom like they did when they first got together.  We also fight against the many companies that make wild claims and sell cheap products just so they can make a buck.

What we teach is that sexual health is an important indicator of your overall health.  Nutrition plays a powerful role in improving your love of life and happiness.  We are passionate about the art of love making.  We seek the best ingredients for our formulas and partner with the best companies to promote sexual performance.

We learn from our mistakes and keep in mind that we are here for our clients at all times. We love finding out the latest science and putting it together so that it is easy to understand and put to use.  This is one of the best jobs anyone could ever have and we have fun with it.

African Fly’s enemies have clearly been identified, focus on client happiness has been targeted and research for the best information for sexual satisfaction is truly enjoyed.  Our founder’s dreams are being realized every day.